What's new with Janey
19 April 2005

wot a day

Tuesday the 19th of April 2005

MY daughter Ashley is 19 years old today!

I am so happy that she reached this age without getting pregnant or married. The first to do so in a long line of females in my generation. I was married as a teenager, so was my sister and my mother and my grand mother and her mother!

She got the much heralded ‘phone’ from my brother MIJ, the onw with the amazing night vision…it doesnt work, the reciever ariel is broken and there is a weird looking video captured on it that involves a childs voice saying “The shop had an evil man inside it” and if you look at the screen the camera is pointed to small scrawly pencil drawings as this childs wee voice talks of the ‘evil’ one.

Ashley and I screamed and dropped the phone as the voice screamed and the child shouted ” He is killing me”

Holy fuck a modern technilogical version of ‘Rear Window’

Called Mij to solve the puzzle and it turns out to be his grand son wee Connar had made a short film with a story board of a horror film he thought up and he did all the voices and narrative with the illustrations! He is seven!

What a talent, we thought MIJ had been taken by strange aliens ( He lives in Grangemouth near Bo’ness which is the UFO capital of the world!)

WE also thought it was a thing like that film ‘The Ring’

I have to go, my sister just called and has to go to hospital as she think she has a hernia, she wants me to go with her.

a) I hate hospitals

b) She will be getting all the attention

c) I will need to break a limb on the way there to get more attention than her._