What's new with Janey
22 September 2011

Janey Godley’s Podcast Episode 63

(Please be aware that this Podcast Contains strong language)

In episode 63 of Janey Godley’s podcast this week is dominated by Ashley’s illness- she has tonsillitis and can hardly speak.

The comedy duo go into a debate about the ongoing controversy of the special needs woman Ceri Reese on last week’s X Factor in the UK, kids doing cage fighting gets the once over and then Janey tells stories from her childhood and talks about the Roma homeless in central Glasgow. The Burkha ban in France gets the ladies ranting and Dublin is the city of the week.

Mother and Daughter comedy team get to natter and the world gets to hear it on Janey Godley’s podcasts, expect some bawdy language and home truths, as Janey Godley and Ashley Storrie lead you down the roads less taken in their fantastic weekly podcast. Listen as mother and daughter banter, bait and burst with laughter.

Please do listen and comment on the Janey Godley Podcast at: Episode 63
