Feeling Better!
I do feel a whole lot better, those period pains nearly killed me, but I managed to get showered and got out of the hotel. Ashley and I went down to the harbour in Wellington, the sun shone though it was still crisp outside. We saw a great Maori busker and he let me join in singing and dancing and we filmed that. Then a local drunk toothless man came along, smelling of piss and booze, so I told Ashley that was her ‘real daddy’ and she screamed at me.
I love meeting the wee underground people, I always like to meet the local nutters, and well I already met the local pervert so I may as well meet the drunks and scary nutters.
I did a show at Late Laughs and the Diva’s and both went really well. I love being onstage, you know it’s the only time I feel really alive is when I get my feet on that wooden board and feel the microphone in my hand.
‘Only the stage can set you free’ is the tattoo I am going to write on my fat ass with an ink marker as I am too scared to get a real tattoo.
Ashley is missing her dad and I do sometimes as well, I do get by ok without him, but sometimes in the quiet wee small hours, I feel that empty-ness creep over me and forget all the shit that went on between us and just wish he was there. How mental is that?
Having Ashley with me has been a Godsend to be honest, I recall being in NZ before and spending weeks alone sometimes not talking to anyone until I got onstage and then talking to no one again until the next day. That’s my fault though as I don’t always communicate well offstage with people, I either talk too much or not at all.
I have to get up early tomorrow as I have a few radio interviews to do and then get ready for Good Godley opening in Wellington on Tuesday. I am excited and about doing my whole one hour show. I will be recording them and filming most of them so I can put some clips up on Livedigital website that hosts my video and audio media.
Speak soon and thanks for all the great supportive comments you have all been sending, I cant answer them all but I do really truly appreciate them more than you know._