What's new with Janey
22 December 2005

Am Home for Christmas!

Yes… I am back. The gig went fantastic at Cochrane Theatre, nice people turned up, people who had read my book, blog or newspaper articles. I had decided on a surprise start to the show, I came on dancing to Madonna’s latest single, except I am old and nearly broke a hip bone trying to impersonate a 48 year old woman…get that? Go figure? Madonna does three hours exercise a day and lives on a macrobiotic diet, I lose my breath climbing stairs and live on Pot Noodles and chocolate, that’s why it didn’t work well, but people laughed and that’s my point.
The whole show was taped on mini disc so I may learn top podcast and let you all hear it soon.
I was so happy to see people there who have come to see me before, except I cant believe these people come and see me often, trust me if you can imagine what my following would be like, its not a lovely Middle Class, Middle England family with three kids who are all lovely and well fed and mild mannered YET that is who comes to see me…I know because there is a nice family who come to see me in Edinburgh, Soho Theatre and Cochrane Theatre! I know they are reading this so THANKS but fucksake WHY? Don’t stop coming to see me…I just can’t figure out why…but I am so grateful. You are nice people; maybe you like to hear me swearing????
I was on stage last night at Glasgow Jongleurs, the crowd was heaving and they love a good Christmas party in Glasgow.
Tonight is back onstage at Jongleurs…sorry I am blogging way too late but do keep coming back, I promise no more swearing…but I will always fight authority!_