News update…
Thanks to all who are still buying my book ‘Handstands in the Dark’, I love it when people meet me and give me their opinion on it!
I know many of you have been voting and I SO pleased, thanks.
If you still want a chance to vote for my book. Here are the details.
It’s ‘Best New Book’ this year on Radio 4 Open Book show.
If you feel like voting for me and have read my book Handstands in the Dark then feel free to do so, I would be chuffed!
PLEASE don’t write in as an obligation, just if you have read the book and feel you would like to vote. I am drawing attention not scamming for votes!
In the form you put your name email address and then write in the comments bit….
Handstands in the Dark by Janey Godley and then write what you thought of the book if you want to.
Here is the link, if it doesn’t open, just copy paste it into your browser.
Thanks normal blog will resume tonight if I get back from doing a double gig and I don’t die on the busy roads._