Posters and Edinburgh
Well Ashley (my daughter) went through to Edinburgh to put up ‘Janey Godley is Innocent’ (name of my show) posters. They are just plain A4 sheets with black writing on…no explanation, just the words!
It’s a teaser campaign that she is working on. My real posters and flyers are being delivered to the Underbelly this week. She had a chat with some journalists and had an look at the venue and checked my books had arrived from Random and are safely put away until the show opens on 4th August at Underbelly.
She was giving out small flyers with ‘Janey Godley is Innocent’ written on them, she was standing outside the Scottish Parliament building …then thought better of it as she had on a backpack and has a fake tan and was scared she would be shot!!
I meanwhile sat at home and found 35 things to argue with my husband about, there seems to be a glut of stuff from our past that still has some mileage in it and so I picked a fight that harked back to an incident in 1987…it was very interesting as I never won the argument back in the 80’s but I did today.
Tomorrow we will be fighting about 1979, Blondie were number one, Thatcher had just come to power and UK had bin strikes…see how good my memory is?
I did TV show with BBC Scotland and it was great fun, it will be broadcast later on in the year. I have been taking bookings for other shows I will be doing during Fringe, like the late night ghost story show at the Pleasance and the Funny Women show and a few others including Equity workshops.
I am excited about the Fringe and I have good pre-sales tickets to look forward to!
Hope some of the bloggers will come along, maybe we can have a special BLOG NIGHT?_