What's new with Janey
15 July 2005

London and sweat

Well here I am in Hot hot London….wheeew! The laptop could not get a dial tone in the apartment, so I am in the hottest internet shop in the world…I feel deathly sitting here with sweat dripping down my back! Nice!

So the flight went well, except the airport security took my good eyebrow tweezers off me, I suppose as a security risk in case I ‘pluck’ my way into making the captain crash the plane!

Weirdly though just at the newsstand in departures I am offered a ‘giant’ Toblerone for £1…now as far I can see that is a huge weapon, I could take someone out with a giant piece of angular chocolate!

The apartment is beautiful, Monica and I had a nice dinner last night (she cooked, I got in the way) and we chatted till all hours of the night…it was fun.

I was pleasantly surprised when I got to London’s Heathrow and saw the Evening Standard magazine article which is over two pages and quotes “Janey Godley hot tipped for the Perrier Award at this years Edinburgh fringe” I am now very nervous, my first preview is tonight and my nerves are high.

I will be fine, probably not Perrier material…but fine.

I have to go as the heat in this wee back shop internet place is overbearing…or I am suddenly in the throws of my menopause….hopefully not, as I may want to have another baby this year.
