

Taxing Times

“A make-up brush costs £30? Is it made of gold?” my husband shouted and threw up both his hands when he was observing me logging... Read More
February 2013

Travels & Trivia

Kuala Lumpur is where I went for one nights work. That’s normal for a comedian, what’s not normal is trying to explain that you are... Read More
February 2013

Shopping at USC

“Mum those shoes are on sale, let’s have a look” My daughter Ashley, dragged me into USC shop on Buchanan street Glasgow.  Ashley is 26... Read More
January 2013

On a plane

You know how you think back to things and with hindsight you wonder why you didn’t react differently? Looking back I should have punched the... Read More
January 2013

It Happened To Me

“Let’s go camping” my husband said. I didn’t want to go, we bought the tent as I had been performing at Glastonbury and living in... Read More
December 2012