Take Part in a WORLD WIDE Experiment
During the Edinburgh Fringe 2004 I wrote in chalk on the walls of Edinburgh my name ‘Janey Godley’.
It became a really well known piece of graffiti and now I am sending out a call to all the people all over the world who read my Blog to write ‘Janey Godley’ in CHALK on any wall in your own city, home town or wherever you live -not an important civic building, I don’t want to get in terrible trouble.
Please get a picture of it, preferably with you in the picture, make it as quirky or original as possible and email it to me on janey@janeygodley.co.uk tell me where you live and include your name on the email. Try if you can to make the picture reflect where you live!
I will then put it up on my website and I am trying to get as many pictures of as many people standing beside my name ‘Janey Godley’ in chalk from all corners of the world. Please help me in this one? Pass it on if possible, get as many people as you can to make this my truly one off special photo exhibition.
Love Janey Godley._