What's new with Janey
15 May 2006

An Earthquake …

5am Wellington NZ, am sitting quietly on the sofa, am still waking up too early but coping with it. Ashley and I have a national TV breakfast show to appear on in less than five hours and I was pondering.
I felt a small quiver through the floor that went into a small but intense shudder, the TV shook and the windows rattled, then it was gone.
“What the fuck was that?” I said aloud.
There was no one to answer me as Ashley was asleep. I turned on the news channel and after about ten minutes it was reporting a small earthquake in Wellington.
A fucking earthquake? What is going on?
I never saw that in Lord of the Rings.
“Sorry Gandalf is dead; an earthquake killed him and all the wee Hobbits”
So we made it to the TV station, the show was well on time, make up on and there we were sitting on the ‘Good Morning’ sofa chatting to a lovely NZ lady who advertised my book in full glory to the National network of NZ!
Ashley and I joked and chatted with her and within seconds it was over.
I sat waiting in the hotel on word about the TV Gala, was I in? Did my performance make it to the TV show that goes out in NZ on Wednesday? My heart was in my mouth expecting the news to be bad, but I got a call from a TV person who told me YES I was in! Hurrah…that’s great news as it will help sell tickets in NZ if my clip goes on national telly.
More good news I got a review! Yes the gala was reviewed by some local journalists.

New Zealand Herald, 15th May 2006

JANEY GODLEY: Comedy Festival Opening Gala

Our rating: * * * *

He says: The most mumsy of tonight’s performers, and she is lovely.
Her hot daughter is a hot topic and most of the jokes are at her
expense. But when you’ve got the funniest mum on earth, who cares?

She says: Maybe it’s the Glaswegian accent, or her over-excited
multiple personalities, but you can’t help but love this woman.
Whether her 20-year-old daughter Ashley still loves her, after being
mocked in front of strangers, remains to be seen.

I am so happy with that.
Last night I was on stage at Downstage Wellington, this is where I will be doing my one woman show ‘Good Godley’. I had a fun gig and the locals and press got to see a preview of my show. Ashley sat backstage and laughed and chatted to the comics, she is also excited that she is called ‘hot’ in the press.
Today is Tuesday and am sick to death of the horrible weather, it really is stormy and freezing, I need to go buy a heavy winter jacket. This weather is like Aberdeen in October.
I wanna see the sun!_