What's new with Janey
01 February 2006

Dentist and sleepiness…

So I slept too much again, I almost died when my alarm woke me up to get myself to the dentist for the ongoing treatment I am getting for my new smile. I lay on his couch and almost slept with my mouth open.

He proceeded to start working on my new crown and preparing my teeth for the veneers that he is putting on next week. This involved scratching the front of my teeth to make them rough enough to hold the small shells that are whiter than my old yellow choppers…which actually are whiter since I have been using the night time bleaching treatment.

I hate the night time bleaching thing, I have to squeeze this clear gel into these rubbery mouth forms that fit over my teeth, I hate them as I cannot sleep with them in, so there is a true fact that women cannot sleep with something in their mouths …men take note!

So I now have rough front teeth that make me feel like a wee cats tongue is in there. As I run my tongue over my teeth its like roughcast walls!
I start my comedy with confidence workshops tomorrow with the local teenagers and I am so looking forward to it.

I also took bookings today for gigs in Holland in April, I love gigs in Amsterdam, and the people are amazing there. The only thing that bothers me is, I am getting stressed with all the travelling, I hate the packing, the unpacking, the trains, planes and taxis…makes me cranky as fuck to be honest. It feels so good to be on my own sofa.

I need to stop moaning about it all, as it is stupid to keep moaning about it as I chose this life!

I read today in the Scottish press that a young girl aged eleven is being treated for heroin addiction, I cant tell you how awful that is especially as I have been working with the heroin addiction teams who are prevented from going into junior schools and making them aware of heroin dangers.

Can you believe that the government prevents them for trying to help kids?
That’s absurd, when my daughter was five years old, I took her to a young girls funeral, she had died of heroin overdose, I wanted Ashley to see the horrific final events of drugs and then I took her to every drug death funeral till she was nine and that was nearly fourteen deaths she attended.

My daughter had to see what happened, now I don’t assume that would stop her taking drugs BUT I do know that Ashley was aware of the results of heroin.
It does help to educate kids about drugs…as early as possible in my opinion._