Tuesday and Rain
Murder Accusation at End of Blog
I was awoken by the Swedish TV People who called to see when is best to come interview me… I was asleep and can’t recall anything they said!
I have spent this fringe asleep most of the time! Did the 60 acts in 60 minutes for BBC show last night and it was wicked!
Ashley asked me to cut her fringe this morning and to be honest I think I am not really a hairdresser but got out the big kitchen scissors and made a not to bad job of it all, may give up comedy to start my own fringe cutting service.
I am counting the days till I go home, not because I hate this fringe because I do feel genuinely tired a lot and that’s worrying me a bit. Got a nice write up in the Independent today and that’s lovely.
Apparently my performance on BBC Scotland show ‘Scunnered’ last night went down well, I never saw it as I was on stage but Ashley watched and is very proud of me. She is also reading my book ‘Handstands in The Dark’ and it is unsettling me as I don’t want her to read my autobiography as I am worried how she will feel about
it, but she is insistent. Hope she feels ok about it all.
Murder Accusation Update…
Him-“I am off home”
Me-“Are you off to kill anyone?”
Him-“No…you nutcase. I need to collect mail, stop fantasising me as some Leon type of hit man, I am not French”_