What's new with Janey
11 July 2005

The Observer

Just managed to read a newspaper without tearing it up (read post below!) and the Observer has a big BOOK review section and they TIP my BOOK ‘Handstands in the Dark’ as one of their recommendations as a ‘HOT TIP’ WOW!

I am well pleased with that…I am up withere with some of the best books this year.

Thats worth all the stress and hard work.

Am off to sleep, painkillers have finally kicked in and my womb no longer feels like it’s trying to implode.

Am off to London this week, this time I promise I will not go to the M15 building and demand a go on their internet…still cant believe I assumed that the biggest SPY- INTELLIGENCE building in Millbank, London was an internet cafe…….

I am an arse._